My second version of army (Lost and the Damned by Sztab) of Nurgle:
Arch-heretic (Mark of Nurgle, TA, Combi-melta, Personal Icon)
Great Unclean One (cod. Daemons)
10x Traitors (Autocannon, Plasma Gun, Agitator)
10x Traitors (Autocannon, Plasma Gun, Agitator)
7x Plaguebearers (cod. Daemons)
7x Plaguebearers (cod. Daemons)
15x Zombie Plague
10x Traitors (Chimera, 2x Flamer, Agitator with Power Weapon)
Battle Tank (Lascannon)
Battle Tank (Lascannon)
And got 5 spare points... I'm still trying to get 30 more for Beast of Nurgle, but if it will be impossible, Not-so-clean One will get Flies.
And for modeling part - I've made a few CD Warriors and army Banner Bearer :D