26 mar 2010
From the sky we strike!
This is my re-painted Raptor Squad. It includes 3 mandate brothers, single Possessed Raptor and Champion with lightning claws and Icon of Chaos Glory mounted on his pack. As You can see he is a bit possessed (as expected in Word Bearers) and has a name that will change as his armor paint has ^^

And here comes my Mephiston Count-as WiP. He wields plasma pistol, as original, but his force weapon is a bit more Chaos like. (I think I got his ax from non-gw daemon) To make him a bit similar to Mephie, he has weird "psychic hood" (not much of a hood eh?) and I have given him back pack from one of Warmachine minis. He needs much work - specially with armor - I want it to reassemble original Artificer Armour of Lord of Death.

It's all for now.
25 mar 2010
I live to serve
And here comes one of my Acolytes (known also as "Sanguinary Priest Wannabe") - this guy is also my response to Corbulo. Wielding Daemon Vessel he brings furry and resilience to his fellow brothers.

On photo his eyes look dim, even tho they are quite bright (and since photo was taken, I had them brightened).
In the painting line there are still some battle brothers of my host, that want painted for Fifth Crusade Tournament, and simultaneous I will be working on my Count As Mephiston, evil sorcerer that name still is dwelling in darkness of Warp :D
So - cya guys, and hope to write soon.
On photo his eyes look dim, even tho they are quite bright (and since photo was taken, I had them brightened).
In the painting line there are still some battle brothers of my host, that want painted for Fifth Crusade Tournament, and simultaneous I will be working on my Count As Mephiston, evil sorcerer that name still is dwelling in darkness of Warp :D
So - cya guys, and hope to write soon.
23 mar 2010
Bearing the Word
Not long ago, I looked at my CSM army - and what I saw was not what was my idea of chaos, sooo... I borrowed spray-gun from friend and suddenly all marines were equally red.
Yup - I started to paint Word Bearers, and of course it means some conversions :D
Firstly I needed a leader - so started my Dark Apostle project:
This is effect of first few hours of work - still needs more time. For now only ready element is back pack. (magnetized, so it can be changed to wings)
And one thing I want to say from the start - WB are quite unplayable on current codex, and I will mostly play it on Crusade tournaments, organized by Liwan in Warsaw, which has special rules for Cult and known Legions of Chaos. When it's clear, I see no reason to hide that there are moments when You want to win a game or two, even when playing with skilled gamers. So my Word Bearers will have some Blood Angels formations and 'cause I need fluffy reason for that, I have made some story.
The 175th Host of Word Bearers was blessed with gifts of the Chaos Gods in more direct way that most Hosts. Some of most Zealous brothers, are blessed by all Four: Slaanesh makes them agile in assault, Nurgle makes them immune to wounds caused by weapons of mortals, Khorne grants these warriors with fighting instincts, and Tzeentch gifts them with a blessed madness.
And I will use concept of Acolyte a bit more than it was revealed in books: There is a group of chosen of Dark Apostle, from which he will take one for his successor.
Yup - I started to paint Word Bearers, and of course it means some conversions :D
Firstly I needed a leader - so started my Dark Apostle project:
And one thing I want to say from the start - WB are quite unplayable on current codex, and I will mostly play it on Crusade tournaments, organized by Liwan in Warsaw, which has special rules for Cult and known Legions of Chaos. When it's clear, I see no reason to hide that there are moments when You want to win a game or two, even when playing with skilled gamers. So my Word Bearers will have some Blood Angels formations and 'cause I need fluffy reason for that, I have made some story.
The 175th Host of Word Bearers was blessed with gifts of the Chaos Gods in more direct way that most Hosts. Some of most Zealous brothers, are blessed by all Four: Slaanesh makes them agile in assault, Nurgle makes them immune to wounds caused by weapons of mortals, Khorne grants these warriors with fighting instincts, and Tzeentch gifts them with a blessed madness.
And I will use concept of Acolyte a bit more than it was revealed in books: There is a group of chosen of Dark Apostle, from which he will take one for his successor.
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