7 sie 2009

Funny Day

Today is lazy day, so:
-No work
-No modeling
-No dinner
-No training
-No tidying
-No going out
-And absolutely NO LOOKING FOR JOB

As you can see it's one of those 7[put a letter here] situations - from this way forward it will be called 7N Friday and will be celebrated by my every August the 7th. Yes, I know that in coming years 7th don't have to be Friday - but who cares?

Anyway to celebrate it with you, I present few Youtube movies:

And last but not least 7 signs that tell you someone tells you crap (english with polish subs):

for all english speakers translation of written text:
-Rising hand near head (Eg. Playing hair, scratching back, etc.)
-Frequent movement, nervous gesture.
-Coughing, grunting, other sounds.
-Unnecessary, or false smile.
-Bitting and licking lips.
-Looking to the upper left (Sign of using part of the brain that answers to imagination.
-Not looking at other person.
So, I wish Lazy 7N Friday to everyone!

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